What Happens if You're Arrested While You're Out on Bail

What Happens if You’re Arrested While You’re Out on Bail

One of the first things you’re told when the issue of bail comes up is that you can’t be involved in any criminal activity while you’re out on bail. You’re expected to be on your best behavior. The problem is that sometimes things don’t go the way you expect and you find yourself under arrest while you’re out on bail.

Don’t assume that just because you already have a bail bond that you can use that to get out of jail this time around. Not only are the two arrests separate issues, if your second arrest, the one that happened while you were out on bond, was for serious offenses, it’s possible the original bail bond will be revoked.

What your second arrest does is trigger a whole new bail process. If a judge looks at your case and
decides that they are willing to give you a second chance and says that you can post bail for the most
recent arrest, you’ll have to go through the same process of deciding if a loved one can post bail or if you
should contact Bail Bonds in Visalia about another bail bond.

You should be aware, the odds are good that the amount bail money needed for the second arrest is going
to be substantially more than what was required the first time around.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, the judge could decide that not only are they not
going to allow you to post bail a second time, they may even revoke the bail from the first arrest, meaning
that even if you’re able to get the charges dropped or take a plea deal for the second arrest, you will still
have to remain in jail until the case surrounding your original arrest is finalized.

The best policy when you’ve been released on bail is to stay out of trouble until the case is resolved.
Staying home and watching television rather than going out with your friends may seem boring, but it
beats potentially doing something stupid and getting arrested while you’re already out on bail.

Bail Bonds in Visalia has a reputation for being the best bail bonds agency in California. We’re here to
help you. When you turn to us for help posting bail, you’ll enjoy the possibility of zero-interest payment
plans, an easy-to-understand bail bond contract, free consultations, and 24/7 availability.

All you have to do is call 559-784-8660 or click Chat With Us now for an obligation-free consultation.

Getting Bailed Out of Jail After a Halloween DUI

Getting Bailed Out of Jail After a Halloween DUI

Halloween is not a good time to be caught driving drunk. The combination of sheer number of people
who are out and about on Halloween and the number of parties taking place means that the police will be
out in force and they’re going to be actively looking for drunk drivers. They want to catch a drunk driver
before they get into an accident, so they’ll pull over and check anyone who is driving even the slightest
bit erratically. If a breathalyzer indicates that you’re over the legal limit, you’ll be arrested.

Getting arrested for drunk driving on Halloween is never any fun. It’s a busy night at the jail and it always
seems like the jail is understaffed. This means it could take hours just to get through the booking process.
After that, you’ll be put into a holding cell, and since it’s Halloween, there will likely be other people in
the cell, making it impossible for you to get some privacy so you can work through your thoughts.

The good news is that Bail Bonds in Visalia is open on Halloween and ready to help you out. No matter
how early or late you’re arrested for drunk driving on Halloween, you can reach us. When you initially
contact us about your arrest, you’ll be invited to take advantage of our free consultation. During the
consultation, you’ll speak to a real live bail bond expert who not only explains how bail works in
California but who will also answer any questions you have and address your concerns.

The best thing about our Halloween arrest consultations is that they are completely free. Not only don’t
we charge a dime for the consultation, but we also won’t put any pressure on you to use our services. If
you decide to enter into a contract with us and have us post a bail bond for you, we want you to be
completely comfortable with your decision.

There are many reasons why you should contact Bail Bonds in Visalia following your Halloween drunkdriving arrest. These reasons include:

✨ 24/7 Bail bond service
✨ 20% Discount for veterans
✨ Phone/online approvals
✨ 0% Interest payment plans
✨ No hidden fees
✨ No collateral is required for working signers
✨ Quick answers to all your questions
✨ Decades of experience
✨ Outstanding customer service

The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can have you released from jail and reunited with your family.
All you have to do is call 559-784-8660 or click Chat With Us now.