Bail Bonds in Tulare

Owning a rental property is a great opportunity to earn extra money while also helping resolve a small portion of California’s rental housing crisis. While there are many good things that go along with owning a rental property there are also some downsides. One such...

When you’re on probation, the courts will let you know what requirements you have to meet, but no one is going to hold your hand and remind you of those requirements every single day. It’s up to you to remember what you are and aren’t...

One of the more fascinating aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic is watching how it has impacted the crime rates. Not only has the number of arrests changed since COVID-19 was discovered in the United States, but the types of crimes are also different. When...

If you need a bail bond, you want to quell your first instinct of going with the first company you contact. It’s possible that you’ll connect with a truly outstanding family-owned bail bonds business that offers everything from zero interest bail to a reasonable payment...

If you’re confused about what your employer can and can’t require of you during this pandemic, you’re not alone. Every other day it seems like some new rules and requirements and expectations seem to intrude on our rights. In many cases, getting a straight answer...

A lemon is a vehicle that continues to malfunction, even after several repairs have been done in an attempt to remedy the situation. Basically, cars that are considered lemons simply have something wrong with them that defies mechanical explanation. The good news is that lemons are...

Bankruptcy fraud is hardly a new concept. As long as bankruptcy has existed, people have taken advantage of the program. Most people simply weren’t aware of it happening. Many people first started thinking about bankruptcy fraud when Abby Lee Miller, the star of Dance Moms, was...