Most of us know that the internet and technology have combined in a way that allows us to do many things at home. A perfect example of this is getting approved for a bail bond. In the past, getting a bail bond required that you drive to the nearest bail bond agency and go through the approval process in person. That’s no longer the case.
Here at Porterville Bail Bonds, we’ve embraced online bail approval. We think it’s a great way for our clients to connect with us and get the bail bond they deserve. We’re convinced it saves everyone a great deal of time, stress, and energy.
When people find out we offer online bail approval, many assume that this simply refers to the consultation. That’s not the case at all. When we say that we offer online bail bond approval, we mean that the entire process is done online, from the consultation all the way through the approval process.
How do we provide online bail approval? It’s really not all that complicated. If you go through the online consultation and feel that we’re the best bail bond agency for you, we will send you a virtual copy of our bail bond agreement. You are free to take as much time as you need to read through this document. If you agree with everything it says, you can use DocuSign to attach your signature to the agreement and send it back to us.
Payment can also be handled virtually. The only part of the process that may not happen online and that will require an in-person meeting is if we require collateral, it’s possible that we will require that you bring things like a vehicle registration or property deed to our offices.
There are many reasons you will love our online bail bond approval process. If you are at home and applying for a bail bond for a recently arrested loved one, you can complete the process while wearing your pajamas and sipping coffee at your kitchen table. You’ll love the fact that you don’t have to spend additional money on gas to drive to our office. You’ll feel more comfortable handling the entire situation in your home versus an unfamiliar office or at the local jail. Going through the process online means you have time to carefully analyze every component of our bail bond process and decide if it’s something you genuinely want to be involved with.
Don’t let a lack of finances stop you from contacting Porterville Bail Bonds. One of the things we can discuss during the online consultation is the issue of payment and how you’ll benefit from our zero-interest, zero-down flexible payment plans.