porterville bail bonds Tag

1. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We never close, not even for New Years, Christmas, or Thanksgiving. Do the police ever take a day off? No,so neither do we. 2. We personalize payment plans for bail bonds per client. Each client is...

Domestic violence is a matter that is never taken lightly. This is violence that occurs within a familial or intimate relationship. It can be violence between lovers, spouses, or against children. It is a heartbreaking matter, a painful process to investigate, and a tough battle...

As you are well aware, the presidential election is just days away. We urge all everyone to vote, including loved ones who recently completed parole after getting out of prison. It helps that your loved one’s voting rights are automatically restored upon completion of parole, so...

DUI arrests happen a little too often around you.You can’t count the number of people you know who have been arrested for a DUI with your hands. Knowing what they each had to deal with makes you wonder what the charges are for someone who...