Have a Safe Thanksgiving This Year


Have a Safe Thanksgiving This Year

Have a Safe Thanksgiving This Year

The holiday season is officially here, and many people are getting ready to have some fun at family parties. Everyone celebrates in their own special way, but many celebrations will be including alcohol. If that is the case, then a person should be prepared to get home safely that evening.

Thanksgiving is all about having a nice big dinner with family and being grateful for another year together. Since it’s a dinner celebration, there will likely be a bit of alcohol consumed. If that does happen, the person needs to have a safe ride home since, as everyone knows, driving with alcohol in your system is dangerous and illegal.

In order to avoid getting pulled over, best case scenario, or getting into an accident, worst case scenario, a person should have a designated driver. This can be a loved one who has not had any alcohol, or it can be a hired driver. That is the great thing about today’s modern world, it is so easy to get a taxi, Uber, or Lyft to take a person home. Often times, it can be done through an app on the person’s phone.

Drinking and driving is very dangerous, and results in dozens of deaths every single day in the United States. It is estimated that a person is killed in a drunk driving related accident every 50 minutes. This is a statistic that no one wants to be a part of. Luckily, that can easily be avoided by drinking responsibly, and having a designated driver.

When a person has an assigned designated driver to get them home, they do not have to worry about how much alcohol they are consuming at Thanksgiving this year. All they really have to worry about is not giving the rest of the family another embarrassing story to talk about for years to come.