Bail Bond Blog

Stalking accusations are taken very seriously in California. Every single person connected to the state’s judicial system understands that stalking often escalates into more serious crimes, which is why they will quickly launch an investigation when someone accuses you of stalking them. Whether you actually...

It’s likely that you already know that the first time you’re convicted of a DUI in California, you will lose your driving privileges for a period of time, be required to pay some hefty fines and have to take some substance abuse classes. What you may...

Let’s take a little history lesson, a rather important one. In grade school, we learn about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These rights have protected the people for over 200 years and continue to do so, so it is imperative for the people to...

What happens in the immediate hours following an arrest is what is called the booking process. This is when your official arrest record is updated. The booking process sounds like a quick 10 minute procedure but it can really take quite awhile depending on the...

The consequences of failing to make your court-mandated child support payments run deep. The matter is taken very seriously. Consequences include: ● Arrest ● Fines ● Being in contempt of court ● Denial of tax refunds ● Wage garnishment - when the court orders your employer to withhold a certain amount of your paycheck and...

Nobody ever wakes up in the morning with the plan to bail out their soon-to-be arrested friend or family member. After all, no one plans on getting arrested, and they certainly wouldn’t share that plan with their loved ones. However, thousands of people are arrested...