Christmas Tree Prices on the Rise in California


Christmas Tree Prices on the Rise in California

Christmas Tree Prices on the Rise in California

Christmas trees are a big part of the holiday. No home could be considered decorated for Christmas without a tree. Everyone gets a tree, whether it is real or fake. For those who prefer to get a real Christmas tree every year, some may have noticed that the prices for them seem to have gone up here in California.

This has been a bit of a trend over the last few years as Christmas tree growers have gradually shifted away from growing trees for the holiday. Many of these growers have instead switched to grow what they consider to be more lucrative crops such as hazelnuts or even marijuana after its legalization.

This has led to an unfortunate shortage of the holiday icon. This in turn, has led to an increase in the price of trees as supplies become scarcer. Some locations and businesses that have sold trees for years have not been able to continue the tradition due to the inability to get enough stock from remaining retailers.

While there is no replacing the smell of a real Christmas tree, with the ever growing shortage of Christmas trees here in California, some people may want to consider switching to artificial trees. What do you think of this shortage? Should people switch to artificial trees, or pay the extra money for a real one?