Tips for Keeping Everyone Safe This Halloween


Tips for Keeping Everyone Safe This Halloween

Tips for Keeping Everyone Safe This Halloween

Halloween is almost here. It is a night kids dream about all year, filled with costumes and bags full of candy. Kids love this holiday. However, it can be a bit scary for parents, and not in the good way. With the way information spreads nowadays, many people have realized that kids aren’t always as safe as they should be on Halloween.

Parents need to take precautions in order to ensure the safety of their children while out trick-or-treating. Luckily, since information spreads easily nowadays, finding helpful tips and tricks to keep Halloween safe is a piece of cake. We here at Porterville Bail Bonds have taken the extra steps to gather some of this information and put it in a single place in order to help people keep their families safe and sound this Halloween.

Planning a Safe Route

A good way to get started with Halloween, is to plan ahead. A parent should plan a route for trick-or-treating in advance and go over that route with their kids. This can help keep everyone on the same page, and reduce the likelihood of someone getting lost.

Additionally, if a parent is feeling brave, they can lookup registered sex offenders online. There are several sites that allow a person to see if there are any registered sex offenders in their neighborhood. A parent can use this information to make sure they don’t try trick-or-treating at, or near, any houses where the occupants could be deemed unsafe for kids.

A parent looking to monitor their kid’s candy haul can also take into account houses or streets that offer more, or less, candy. We have several parents here at Porterville Bail Bonds, we know how chaotic some of those sugar rushes can get. That is why we don’t judge parents who are looking to downsize the inevitable sugar high they will have to deal with after Halloween.

For families who live in areas that may not have a lot of options for trick-or-treating, parents can look for special events to take their kids to. Places like parks and malls sometimes offer trick-or-treat options.

While Out and About

While the family is out trick-or-treating, make sure to stay in well-lit areas, or that every person has a flashlight on them. Giving kids glow sticks is another option to help keep them visible. Not only does this help prevent people from stumbling in the dark, it also keeps everyone visible once night falls. It is also important to try and avoid dark areas since anything can be lurking in the shadows.

Another good rule is to keep everyone on sidewalks where available. If there are no sidewalks, stick to the side of the road. Try to only cross streets at crosswalks, but if that isn’t possible, cross when the road is clear. Make sure kids know to never try to cross a road next to a vehicle that is parked on the side of the road. The vehicle can hide pedestrians from drivers, and increase the chances of an accident occurring.

Lastly, beware of drunk drivers. For Kids, Halloween is all about getting candy. For many adults, Halloween is about going to parties, which often involve heavy amounts of drinking. Despite the many campaigns against it, thousands of people still drink and drive. These numbers go up around holidays as people go to and from parties. Be aware of this fact make sure kids give cars plenty of space on Halloween night.

Lastly, and most importantly, parents should just keep their eyes on kids, especially when they are younger. They can get very excited on Halloween, and who can blame them. However, because of this, they may not always make the best decisions. They need an adult with a level head to keep them in check and make sure they stay safe.

Remember the Law

For the more adventurous out there, Halloween is a time to enjoy spooky activities, such as ghost hunting. The thought of entering an abandoned house, or other derelict building may seem exciting to some, but it can be dangerous. Not only do abandoned building pose various safety threats, they are also usually owned by someone.

If a person does not own a particular piece of property, or have permission from the owner to be on said property, then they are trespassing. This can get a person into legal trouble for trespassing. This is a misdemeanor offense which can earn a person up to 6 months in jail and/or a $1,000 dollar fine.

Another thing to avoid on Halloween are any pranks that could be considered vandalism. Halloween is a known time from pranks, and so law enforcement officers are out and about, ready to stop any and all criminal activity. It is not a night to test their patience.

Keeping Halloween Safe

All any parent wants to do is keep their child safe, no matter their age. By following the tips here, a parent can help keep their kid out of harm’s way this Halloween. After all, Halloween is meant to be a fun holiday and a chance for kids to get out and have some fun. Nothing ruins that spooky holiday fun faster than something going horribly wrong.

From all of us here at Porterville Bail Bonds, we hope you and your family have a safe and spook-tacular Halloween this year.