24 May What to Do When You Miss Someone
When you miss someone, it can almost feel like your world is crashing down around you. This is especially true if you regularly spend time with this person. Sometimes getting separated from a close friend can feel horrible, like the separation may last forever. No matter how bad it feels, that isn’t always the case. It’s important to remember life is always changing and goodbyes don’t mean forever.
When you’re missing someone, try to keep yourself busy. Picking up a new project or hobby while your loved one is gone can help the time pass faster. If you’re constantly planning and worrying about a new project, the days until you see your loved one again may fly by. Remember, this only works if you fully immerse yourself in a new project. To keep busy in order to ignore the absence of a loved one is not as easy as it may seem.
If keeping busy isn’t working, you can always try to be productive. Start each day with a list of things you want to accomplish that day. Make the list with several easier items and only two big tasks. The easier items could be: eat a healthy breakfast, stand outside for 5 minutes and breathe, or take a shower. Bigger tasks could be: call and set up insurance, plan a trip to see your loved one, or go grocery shopping. Making a well-balanced list will help you be more productive. By starting with the smaller items first, you’ll eventually snowball and accomplish larger tasks.
If you just feel like you’re drowning in misery without your loved one, it’s time to get outside. Going outside and soaking in some sunshine can do wonders for the body. You may think it is pointless, but the sun provides us with vitamin D, which helps boost our overall happiness. You may not think that you need the sunshine, until you go outside and realize how nice it is. Even going on a mini day trip to the beach can help clear your mind and allow you to gain a new perspective.
Going from being with someone daily, to not having them around at all, can be hard. Whether it was jail, a job change, or just a regular move, missing someone can be miserable. Try not to let that get you down too much. Try to focus on positive things, and realize those goodbyes are just fancy see-you-laters.